Posts tagged Home
The Doors Are Always Closed, It's Fine.

Germany is not the biggest fan of open door plans.  Okay, let me clarify: every room has a door, every door has a lock, and Germans like to make liberal use of both.  Regardless of whether it's the living room, kitchen, or even two parts of a hallway, the doors are there and likely closed.  If you're going to an office or university building, even during "open" hours, the doors will be closed and likely locked up as well.  What do you do about this?

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Help! I've Been Locked Out! ...Of Everywhere

As anyone who lives in a German apartment for any amount of time will tell you, eventually you'll step outside, the door will close behind you, and you'll realize that German front doors have the wonderful ability to lock themselves without turning a key or latch on the inside.  And also question why their kitchen has an old-timey key in the door, for what appears to be no reason.  What's going on here?

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