Posts tagged University
What Do You Mean German Universities Don't Have Orientations? Even For International Students?

When you start at a Germany University, there are a lot of notable differences, from a total lack of a "traditional" campus, to oddities in exam registration, to the total lack of orientation courses for new students.  Even for international students, exchange students, and, yes, brand new German university students.  What are you to do?

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The German Grading System

When you fill out your application or matriculation paperwork at a German university, you will likely notice that the grade section seems to be set up for people with absolutely abysmal GPA's, with the highest grade listed being a flat 1.0.  After getting over your initial confusion, you likely had to put your grades through a conversion chart, only to (hopefully!) find out that the number was closer to 1 than that 4.0 we strive for in the U.S. system.  What gives?

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Wait, Why Don't I Have A "Real" Summer Vacation From German University?

What comes to mind when you think about "summer" as a university student?  Probably something like hanging out in the warm weather all June and July, packing yourself back up in August, and starting classes again in September, right?  Well if you wondered why the paperwork from your home university said that you can either study in Germany in the "spring" or for a full year, you're in for a bit of a surprise if you're making plans to travel when Summer is in full swing!

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