How often have you been at the grocery store, and you just want to take a cart to go on and do your shopping, only for the cart to be locked up? If you're perhaps in the U.S. and are thinking of the wheel locks that many stores use to prevent their carts being taken off the premises, you might be in for a surprise in Germany!
Read MoreSo you're out on the town, and reach into your wallet, pulling out your card to pay off your tab at the local Kneipe (pub), and the bartender shakes their head at you. What gives? In Germany, it's exceedingly common for most small businesses, bars, and restaurants to be cash only, and if they do accept plastic, it's probably only Girocard (or EC card; debit card). But why would this be the case, when everything down to farmers' market stands in the U.S. tend to take cards? Good question!
Read MoreFor many students, getting ahold of a copy of Microsoft Office, preferably at less than the price that Microsoft typically asks, can be indispensable. In the U.S., it's not uncommon for colleges or universities to offer full copies of an older version of Office for sale to students for a reduced price...
Read MoreFor my friends, it comes as precisely no surprise that I have what I might call a "thing" for spicy foods (others would say obsession, but tomatoes, tomahtoes). In Germany, spicy foods...
Read MoreOne of the more surprising discoveries that I made early on when I first came to Germany was the popularity of “Club-Mate,” a type of carbonated iced tea. It’s particularly common to see students carrying bottles around during exam season...
Read MoreIf you're interested in seeing the German countryside- small towns, farms, and more wind turbines than you can count- hop on a train, and keep a weather eye out!
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