How Much Do I Have To Tip In German Restaurants?

When eating out at a German restaurant, it can feel reflexive to try and figure out what you are expected to tip the server at the end of your meal.  In the U.S., it typically involves (sometimes) complicated math that can end in "close enough," and filling in an extra line on a card reader slip or some cash left on the table.  But how much should you actually tip at a German restaurant?

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The German Grading System

When you fill out your application or matriculation paperwork at a German university, you will likely notice that the grade section seems to be set up for people with absolutely abysmal GPA's, with the highest grade listed being a flat 1.0.  After getting over your initial confusion, you likely had to put your grades through a conversion chart, only to (hopefully!) find out that the number was closer to 1 than that 4.0 we strive for in the U.S. system.  What gives?

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Stay On The Bike Path!!

If you're biking in Germany, following the rules of the road while biking will save you a lot of trouble dealing with everyone from the traffic police to the occasional civically engaged German grandmother.  Unlike in most parts of the U.S., traffic laws for bikes are actively enforced in Germany, with the risk of getting ticketed being much higher than you might think.  What do you have to look out for?

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